
1. The minimum nutrition requirement for growth and multiplication of bacteria includes sources of carbon , nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and some inorganic salts.
2. Bacteria divide by binary fission.
3. Generation time:  it is the time required for a bacterium to give rise to two daughter cells under optimum conditions.
4. Total count:  this indicates the total number of bacteria in the specimen, irrespective of whether they are living or dead.
5. Viable count: It measures the number of living ( viable) bacteria.
 When a bacterium is inoculated into a suitable culture medium and incubated, it's growth follows a definite courses. When bacterial count of such culture is determined at different intervals and plotted in relation to time , a growth curve is obtained .
The growth curve has four phases.
1.LAG PHASE: the period between inoculation and beginning of multiplication is known as Lag phase .
2. Log or Exponential phase :  The cell division starts and their number increased exponentially or by geometric progression with time. 
3. Stationary phase: The bacterial growth is almost completely due to exhaustion of nutrients and accumulation of toxic products.
4. Phase of Decline: The bacterial population decrease due to the death of cell. 
                  BACTERIAL NUTRITION 
:-  Obligate aerobes : the bacteria which grow only in the presence of oxygen. 
:- Facultative anaerobes :- The bacteria that are ordinary aerobes  but can also grow without oxygen . Most of the pathogenic bacteria are facultative in anaeropes.
:- Microaerophilic:- These bacteria can grow in the presence of trace of oxygen. 
:-  Anaerobes :-  The obligate or strict anaerobes can grow only in the absence of oxygen. 
:- Capnophilic bacteria:- These bacteria require much higher level of carbon dioxide ( 4-10 % ) for their growth epicially for primary isolation. 
:- Mesophiles :- The bacteria which grow optimally at temperature range of 25° C to 40° C majority of the pathogenic bacteria belong to this group.
:- Psychrophiles :-  These Victoria grow optimally at temperature below 20° C. 
:-  Thermophiles :- The optimum temperature for growth of this bacteria is between 55°  to 80° C.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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